Singapore Manufacturing Federation – Standards Development Organisation (SMF-SDO)
The Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) has been appointed by SPRING Singapore (currently known as Enterprise Singapore) as the Standards Development Organisation (SDO) for Standard Committees since 1st April 2011.
SMF-SDO is supported by Enterprise Singapore and endorsed by the Singapore Standards Council to manage the development of standards and facilitate the promotion of these standards for two Standards Committees under the Singapore Standards Council. These Standards Committees are as follows:
- Manufacturing Standards Committee (MSC)
- Safety and Quality Standards Committee (SQSC)

SMF-SDO Steering Committee

Chair, SMF-SDO Steering Committee
- Mr Tan Boon Chong, Individual Capacity
Industry Representatives
- Mr Eugene Yoo, Chair, Youth Network Function Committee, SMF
- Mr David Chia, Chair, Smart Automation Industry Group, SMF
- Dr Lee Shiang Long, Council Member, SMF
- Mr Ryan Yap, Council Member, SMF
- Mr Sze Thiam Siong, Committee Member, Electrical, Electronics & Allied Industry Industry Group, SMF
Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) Representative
- Mr Clement Teo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer
Standards Committee Representatives
- Prof John Yong, Chair, MSC
- Ms Jaime Lim, Chair, SQSC
Enterprise Singapore Representatives
- Ms Choy Sauw Kook, Director-General, Quality & Excellence Group
- Mr Khor Aik Lam, Director (Manufacturing), Standards Division