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ISO is an independent, non-governmental organisation, whose membership consists of different national standards bodies. Singapore is a full ISO member since 1966.
IEC is an international standards organisation that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. Singapore is a full IEC member since 1990.
Participating member (P): P-members actively participate by voting on the standard at various stages of its development.
Smart manufacturing
Ships and marine technology
Marine environment protection
MOTC for ISO/TC 8/SC 2
Marine technology
MOTC for ISO/TC 8/SC 13
Measurement of petroleum and related products
MOTC for ISO/TC 28/SC 2
Offshore structures
MOTC for ISO/TC 67/SC 7
Additive manufacturing
AMTC for ISO/TC 261
RATC for ISO/TC 299
Industrial mobile robot interoperability and communication
RATC for ISO/TC 299/WG 10
Observing member (O): O-members observe the standards that are being developed, offering comments and advice.
Uncrewed aircraft systems
ASTC for ISO/TC 20/SC 16
Industrial-process measurement, control and automation
SMTC for IEC/TC 65
Oil and gas industries including lower carbon energy
MOTC for ISO/TC 67
Arctic operations
MOTC for ISO/TC 67/SC 8
Automation systems and integration
SMTC for ISO/TC 184
Lifts, escalators and moving walks
RATC for ISO/TC 178