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ISO is an independent, non-governmental organisation, whose membership consists of different national standards bodies. Singapore is a full ISO member since 1966.
IEC is an international standards organisation that prepares and publishes international standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies. Singapore is a full IEC member since 1990.
Participating member (P): P-members actively participate by voting on the standard at various stages of its development.
Committee on conformity assessment
Revision of ISO/EC 17007 - Conformity assessment - Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment
Revision of ISO/EC 17067 - Conformity assessment - Fundamentals of product certification and guidelines for product certification schemes
Welding and allied processes
Qualification requirements for welding and allied processes personnel
ISO TC 44/SC 11
Non-destructive testing
ISO TC 135
Personnel qualification
ISO TC 135/SC 7
Quality management and quality assurance
ISO TC 176
Quality systems
ISO TC 176/SC 2
Supporting technologies
ISO TC 176/SC 3
Asset management
ISO TC 251
Decision making
ISO TC 251/TG 2
Risk management
ISO TC 262
Occupation health and safety management systems
ISO TC 283
Security and resilience
ISO TC 292
Chair's Advisory Group on Strategic development
Continuity and organizational resilience
ISO TC 292/WG 2
Protective security
ISO TC 292/WG 6
Governance of organisations
ISO TC 309
Reference materials
ISO TC 334
Quality control materials
ISO TC 334/WG 8
Observing member (O): O-members observe the standards that are being developed, offering comments and advice.
Testing and inspection of welds
ISO TC 44/SC 5
Health and safety
ISO TC 44/SC 9
Quality management in the field of welding
ISO TC 44/SC 10
Welding and brazing in aerospace
ISO TC 44/SC 14
Personal safety - Protective clothing and equipment
Graphical symbols
ISO TC 145
Concepts and terminology
ISO TC 176/SC 1
Safety of machinery
ISO TC 199
Geographic information/geomatics
ISO TC 211
Innovation management
ISO TC 279